Humanistic Philosophy

People nowadays love to do their own thing. In a way they make themselves God. This is called humanism. Most people probably don’t even realize this, but sadly its true for most people I know. How do we make sure we are as good as we possibly can be? Well a good start could be a simple prayer. Some may say “what God am I praying to??” Well I will answer that for you. His name is Jesus, If you have never heard of him ( which most probably have). So why doesn’t everyone believe in Jesus? That is because most people who you know are ignorantly humanistic in there values and morals in daily life. Yes that rebellious “I wanna do it my way” attitude.

So back on the subject of Jesus. Yes I’m oneness, but I believe God wants us to be kind, and show the love that he gave on the cross. It makes me so sad to see that most have been heart-broken and torn apart from Jesus. So many people have heard of him, but very few know Him. I just wish everyone could see the difference He has done to me. The place where he brought me from. His Spirit that I have felt for so long. If you have never been to an apostolic church before you need to go. If you have been hurt by a church like that, I am sorry. But I’m Just trying to show the intensity of this God I serve.

I used to have anger problems, I was always fighting depression, and often thought about why I even allow myself to live any longer. God (Jesus) changed my life! I now have a reason to live. A reason and a purpose for  life. Every time I go to church, and feel his spirit once more. It gives a reassurance to me that he has an everlasting love for me. I used to be addicted to games as well. I know it may seem silly but I was addicted to killing people on a game. It was an outlet. An outlet to fight depression, and a way I made myself God by putting me first. I was raised knowing about Jesus, but to finally meet him was simply amazing.

It was so hard to even love anyone else because I barely loved myself. Most people I know don’t know this. But I want to bless someone today. He literally found me when I was blind! I once saw a man completely healed from a back injury. You know why? Because he had faith in Jesus. I was delivered from depression, anger, and bitterness, how? Because of Jesus. I love him with all that I have. I just do not want to see this generation fade from the understanding of Jesus. He CHANGED my life, and he is still doing miracles. Hope I blessed someone with my testimony 🙂

The Need for Jesus’ Name Baptism

For some odd reason (Bible believing) people are persuaded to believe there are three God’s or persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. This teaching is not biblical. Nowhere in the Bible does it explain there are three persons, but it does explicitly say there is ONE God. The first example, “The Ten Commandments”, a worldwide known basic set of rules. The first one being “Thou shalt have no other Gods before me” (Exodus 20:3)… (Deuteronomy5:7). That alone should be an example that we can not rate the authority of God. There is no second place, because there is NONE else beside him.

          This is my first biblical stand point, now lets go to the new testament. Most people get confused when they read about Jesus praying to the Father. Jesus is God, Jesus is the Father (John 10;30). Some more scriptures that will help your faith that there is one God; (Ephesians 4:5, Deuteronomy 6:4) There are sooo many scriptures that prove there is one God, so now we have that down what should we baptize in the name of ? Well Jesus said to be baptized in the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost. Whats the name of the son ? Jesus! What is the name of the Father ? Jesus! what is the name of the Holy Ghost? Jesus! Then we go down to the early church time period with the apostles. Peter says after the Holy Ghost fell in the upper room and they all spake in tongues.. “..Repent, and be baptized EVERYONE of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, and ye SHALL receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”

           Now let’s look at another apostle, Paul baptized in the name of Jesus, Philip baptized in the name of Jesus, and obviously peter did too (Paul; Acts 19:5 Peter; Acts 2:38 Philip; Acts 8:12). Well would ya look at that?! Thats three witnesses (Hebrews 10:38, 1 Timothy 5:19, 1 Corinthians 14:29). Now if that isn’t enough scripture for you. do some research yourself you will find EVERY time in the bible it teaches nothing but Repentance, Baptism in the name of Jesus Christ.

But always remember when studying the word of God, look at it from a historical view (know what is happening), a spiritual view, and only get your stuff from THE HOLY BIBLE !

, Joseph Osborne.